Feeldmarshell Bosnik's fleet

The building of an ork fleet for Battlefleet Gothic part 4: Time Warp!

It wouldn't be too far from the trouth to say my fleet was lost in the warp. Over the next one and a half years I played a couple of on/off games, including one devastating loss against Tau. The picture on the right is taken from that game. Michael was using Imperial ships as stand-ins (not sure if the Tau models had even been released yet - all we had were the trial rules) and I was swamped with bombers, torpedos and the like. You guessed it: We weren't using the revised rules for launched object. All of the black dice you can see on the table represent some sort of flyers with their numbers showing the squadron size.

Apart from gaming I also managed to do some random painting on the fleet. I gave all of the larger ships a basic paintjob (very basic - only base colour and red fin) and focused on the escorts. First they got the same basic paint job as the larger ships and then I added all sorts of details like weapons, lights and a nice base.

On to part 5 of the BFG diary: Adding a Rokk.

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